Water Quality Reports

Understanding Water Quality Reports

In the past, concerns have been raised as to the language in this report. We would like you to know that the EPA and Minnesota Department of Health mandates specific language that must be included in the report.

How is Water Quality Assessed?

Before the City of Fridley can deliver water to your home, it must first be analyzed in certified laboratories that can detect trace amounts of contaminants. A table of test results is presented each year in the water quality report.

No contaminants were detected that exceeded EPA limits in drinking water. This means that the water you are drinking is in compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). The City of Fridley also obtains treated water from the City of New Brighton under a beneficial re-use program. This water supply was re-established in late 2018 after the City of New Brighton’s new augmented treatment system went online. New Brighton monitoring results are represented in the report.